Feminist Visualization: From Theory to Praxis and Prototypes

In this workshop, participants will move through feminist data visualization from theory through praxis in order to produce a prototype of a feminist data visualization based on their own research data.

May 23, 2022, 11:00am Eastern Time – September 6, 2022, 4:30pm Eastern Time

Webinar Ended


Jill Williams
Jill Williams
Kate Coddington
Kate Coddington

Kate Coddington, University at Albany, State University of New York and Jill Williams, University of Arizona

Dr. Kate Coddington is a feminist geographer and Assistant Professor in the Geography & Planning Department at the University at Albany, State University of New York. Dr. Jill Williams is an Associate Research Professor in the Southwest Institute for Research on Women at the University of Arizona.  For the last few years, Jill and Kate have been conducting a research project on border enforcement efforts by the US and Australia, incorporating feminist visualization strategies to better understand and represent complex processes of bordering. Without formal training in visualization, both Jill and Kate have had to learn how to think about, design, and produce feminist visualizations from the ground up, so we’re excited to demystify feminist data visualization and help others start making. Jill and Kate led the Feminist Visualization 2021 workshop series and data visualization challenge in 2021 which attracted over 400 participants from around the globe.

Eligibility and capacity

We will select up to 20 graduate students to participate in this workshop. Selection will be based on your AAG membership status, your research needs, and time of registration. If you are selected, we will notify you ahead of the workshop and provide you all the workshop details and session links. If you are selected, the expectation is that you will participate in all sessions of the workshop.


The selected participants should be interested in applying feminist visualization’s insights and strategies to their own work, and be willing to try for imperfect results without getting discouraged. Geography students who have some sort of data, whether a preliminary dataset or something more polished, and geography students who are at the point of asking questions about their data, will benefit most from the workshop. Students who have not collected data but are very interested in feminist visualization and can bring a question or practice dataset to work with in the workshop are also welcome. The approaches to feminist data visualization that we will be discussing do not require any background in GIS or formal mapping or data visualization software, so the workshop is appropriate with individuals with varying levels of technical experience.

Detailed schedule

This workshop will meet at the following times (Eastern Time):

  • Session 1: AAG Welcome Session, 11:00am – 12:30 pm, Monday, May 23
  • Session 2: Optional Office Hours #1, 9:00 – 11:30am, Tuesday, May 31
  • Session 3: What is Feminist Visualization?, 11:30am – 1:00pm, Tuesday, May 31
  • Session 4: Equity, Collaboration, and Transparency in Data Visualization, 3:00 – 4:00pm, Tuesday, May 31
  • Session 5: Optional Office Hours #2, 4:00-7:00pm, Tuesday, May 31
  • Session 6: Skills Building Workshops, 11:30am – 5:00pm Wednesday, June 1
  • Session 7: Optional Office Hours, 9:00am – 8:00pm, Wednesday, June 1
  • Session 8: Optional Support, 11:30am – 1pm, Thursday, June 2
  • Session 9: Prototype Review, 2:00 – 3:30pm, Friday, June 3

Throughout the week, expect to also spend a few hours working independently on readings or short assignments for the workshop.