“Detroit Never Left” mural; Courtesy Sheefy McFly’s website

Detroit After Bankruptcy: Were There Measurable Changes in the Quality of Life of the Residents?

March 5, 2025, 3:00pm Eastern Time (US and Canada) – March 5, 2025, 4:00pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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This webinar will provide the most recent data and analyses on the racial inequality, and social and economic characteristics of the City of Detroit’s residents.

Joe DardenJoe T. Darden is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences, Michigan State University. He is former Dean of Urban Affairs Programs from 1984-1997 and a former Fulbright Scholar, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, 1997-1998. His research expertise covers residential segregation, social inequalities, and immigration, particularly in the U.S. and Michigan.