Regional Division

Middle States Division

Middle States Regional Division logoThe Middle States Division (MSAAG) of the American Association of Geographers represents geographers and geography departments in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico. All AAG members who reside in this region are automatically members of this group.


Learn more about what’s happening within the region, including events, awards, announcements, reports and more.

Visit the Community


Contact Middle States leadership



Josh Galster, Montclair State University

Vice President

Kwame Adover Tsikudo, Thomas Jefferson University


Bryan Collins, SUNY Oneonta

Past President

Megan Heckert, West Chester University

Regional Councilor

Nathaniel (Nate) Gabriel, Rutgers University

SAGE Representative

Renata Blumberg, Montclair State University

Meeting Coordinator

Josh Galster, Montclair State University

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