Meghan Dilworth and Samantha Hinton Intern at AAG for Summer 2022 Semester

Two new interns have joined the AAG staff this summer! The AAG would like to welcome Meghan and Samantha to the organization.

Photo of Meghan Dilworth Meghan Dilworth is a senior at Arizona State University (ASU), pursuing a B.A. in Geography and Urban Planning. Meghan has been a Teaching Assistant/Mentor in the ASU Geography department for three years. Additionally, she has worked as a Geography Content Curator at SolarSPELL, a company that collects geography and educational information for people in areas that don’t have access to the internet or traditional libraries, such as East Africa or the Pacific Islands. In her spare time Meghan’s interests include travel, snow skiing, horseback riding and gymnastics.

Samantha HintonSamantha Hinton was born and raised in New York City where she graduated from The Spence School. She currently attends Trinity College Dublin, pursuing a B.A. major in Geography.  At Trinity, she is the geography library undergraduate representative, a Student 2 Student Mentor, part of the women’s soccer team, and the treasurer of the Geographical Society. She has spent the last six months doing her Erasmus at Utrecht University in The Netherlands. Samantha chose to apply for geography because she is passionate about appreciating the outdoors. With geography, she strives to learn more about the intersection and impact between humans, space, and the environment. While not working, she enjoys traveling, making art, and playing sports.

If you or someone you know is interested in applying for an internship at the AAG, the AAG seeks interns on a year-round basis for the spring, summer, and fall semesters. Currently, due to COVID-19 safety regulations AAG interns are home-based employees.

Learn about AAG internships