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With a focus on short articles in academic or applied geography, emphasizing empirical studies and methodologies, this journal provides a forum for new ideas and alternative viewpoints. In addition, it publishes research notes and commentaries. These features may range in content and approach from rigorously analytic to broadly philosophical or prescriptive. Originally a publication of the American Society of Professional Geographers, in 1949 it became a journal of the AAG when the two organizations merged. It is published six times per year.
Impact factor: 1.5, ranking 78th out of 171 geography journals worldwide
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Read the Journal- Comparing the Spatial Querying Capacity of Large Language Models: OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini Pro
- Geoforensic Palynology Search Models and Human-Mediated Secondary Pollen Deposition
- Space–Time Analysis of Urban Green Spaces’ Disappearance in Ilorin, Nigeria
- Assessing Urban–Rural Differences in Disaster Evacuation Vulnerability Among Minority Populations: Insights from a Recent Survey in Florida
- Transparent Reflexivity: How to Exude Neutrality and Navigate Gatekeeping Through Shifting Positionality?
- Locational Decision-Making and Representational Impacts
- Spatial Modeling of Graffiti as a Function of Street Network Centrality: A Case Study in San Francisco
- Unraveling the COVID-19 Impact on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of U.S. Domestic Migration: A Network Perspective
- Commentary on Craig et al.’s “Bowling for Better: Reforming World Geography Bowl”
- A Turn Toward Caring Research: Iterative Consent, Reflexive Multilingual Methods, and Reciprocal Knowledge Production
- Building Response-able Abstractions with Gullah/Geechee Nation
- Modeling the Livable City: Urban Ableism Across Borders
- Indian Time, Walking as Mapping, and Decolonial Methodologies in Mixteco Geographies
- Caring for Indebted Migrant Workers: Financial Literacy Training, Debt, and Filipino Migrant Workers in Dubai
- “She’s Here and I’m Not”: Parenthetical Parenting, Hegemonic Masculinity, and the Hidden Geographies of Oppression in the Gauteng City-Region, South Africa
- Tribal Collaborations in Developing Place-Based Pedagogies for Public-Facing Student Projects
- When the Train Never Comes: Property Value Impacts from the Announcement and Cancellation of a Light Rail Project
- Drones in Geography Higher Education Curriculum: Where Are We?
- Finding the Female Geographers: The Gendered Dynamics of UK Geography PhD Study
- Enhancing Urban Data Analysis: Adaptive Partitioning Framework for Multidensity Regions
- Queer(ing) Spaces of Exception: Mind Mapping as an Analytical Tool in Qualitative Spatial Research
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