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One of the world’s leading geography journals since 1911, AAG’s flagship publication publishes original, timely, and innovative articles that advance geographic knowledge in all facets of the discipline. Articles adhere to a high standard of scholarship and make an important contribution to geographic knowledge. They are grounded in the relevant literature of the specialization it represents and, where appropriate, establish relationships to themes within the broader discipline. Journal articles span across but are not limited to Geographic Methods; Human Geography; Nature and Society; and Physical Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. Published 10 times a year, one special issue is dedicated to a single theme drawing on a diversity of papers from across the discipline.
Impact Factor: 3.2, ranking 21st out of 171 geography journals worldwide
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Read the Journal- Pork. It’s What’s for Lunch: Food, Race, and the Politics of Migration in Denmark
- When Decarbonization Reinforces Colonization: Complex Energy Injustice and Solar Energy Development in the California Desert
- Resilience Patterns of Multiscale Human Mobility Under Extreme Rainfall Events Using Massive Individual Trajectory Data
- Life Stories of Garment Workers in India: Toward a Labor-Centric Labor Regimes Framework
- “Laboratory in a Dirty Sky”: Aerial Media, Art, and Air Pollution in Project Da Vinci (1974–1979)
- Revealing Urban Spatial Interaction Characteristics and Crowd Travel Patterns from Trajectory Data
- Power, Environment, and Depoliticized Conflict in Social Space: Threats to Sustainable Development from the Perspective of Environmental Activists in Poland
- “We Women Are Suffering”: Fragile Water Infrastructure and Gendered Embodied Labor
- Revealing the Complex Dynamics of Social Disparities in Personal Transit Availability Considering Human Mobility and Neighborhood Effect Averaging
- Landscapes of Tourism in the Era of a New Cultural Economy of Space: A Reformulated Analytical Framework
- Posthuman Cartography? Rethinking Artificial Intelligence, Cartographic Practices, and Reflexivity
- Segregation Histories, Wealth, and Community Engagement Shape Inequitable Burdens of Urban Greening
- From Securing the Border to Securing Nature: Homeland Security as an Emerging Environmental Actor in the U.S.–Mexico Borderlands
- The Great Death Valley National Monument Mission 66 Conspiracy (That Never Was)
- Reimagining National Parks for the Twenty-First Century: Lessons from Yosemite’s Past
- Nine Processes That Have Shaped the U.S. National Park System
- Rethinking Indigenous Hunting in National Parks
- Diagnosing Spatial and Temporal Biases of OSM Contributors: Identifying Differences Between Gender and Age from an Online Survey
- Regional Relevance of a Cultural Park: Leverage Points Identified Through Spatial-Social Network Analysis
- Cracking Appalachia: A Political-Industrial Ecology Perspective
- Urban Green Technology Innovation: The Spillover Effects of a Low-Carbon City Pilot Program
- Representing Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument: Encounters with a U.S. Public Lands Artist-in-Residence Program
- Thinking Through Urban Fragments: The Making of the Millennium City of Gurgaon, India
- Identification of High Fire Potential and High-Use Spatial Intersections at a National Forest to Understand Recreation Displacement Related to Wildfire Events
- Managing the Imagined Spatialities of Protected Sites: (Un)Bounding Industrial World Heritage via Mental Maps
- Identifying Rich Clubs in Spatiotemporal Interaction Networks
- Spaces of Learning: Pedagogy and Movement Building Within the Black Panther Party
- Measuring Temporal Evolution of Nationwide Urban Physical Disorder: An Approach Combining Time-Series Street View Imagery with Deep Learning
- Vegan Geographies: Negotiations, Contestations, and Encounters in the Everyday Spaces of Veganism
- Commodification in Disguise: Growth Dynamics and Emerging Geography of Culture-Led Urban Redevelopments in Contemporary China
- Introducing Jurisdiction
- Infrastructuring Mobility via State-Led School Franchising: Leveraging Public Educational Resources to Facilitate Middle-Class Residential (Im) Mobility
- Protected Areas on an Amazon Frontier: Payments for Environmental Services and the Future of Extractive Reserves in the Terra da Meio
- Black Self-Defense as Social Reproduction: Geographies of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Amidst Racialized Uneven Development in Atlanta
- Story Mapping Praxis to Principles: Learning from the Atlascine Project
- Revisiting the Uncertain Geographic Context Problem: Expanding Its Scope to Include Indoor Geographic Contexts and Dynamics in Environmental Health and Social Science Research
- Urban Sprawl and Subjective Well-Being: U.S. County-Level Evidence
- Disaster Risk Reduction and the Cuban Exception: Infrastructural and Ideological Power after Hurricane Flora (1963)
- America the Beautiful: Meeting “30 × 30” Conservation Goals Through Connected Protected Areas
- Integrating People in Place-Based Accessibility Measures: Design and Application of a Mode Choice Accessibility Model
- Unveiling Disparities in Bicycling Mobility Patterns Across Socioeconomic Statuses: A Framework for Identifying User Profiles in Dockless Bike-Sharing Systems
- Global Geographies of Weather Modification in an Era of Climate Change
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through ScholarOne Manuscripts. For detailed instructions about article submission see:
The Annals publishes papers in four categories: Regular Manuscripts, Special Issues, Forums, and Commentaries. The journal also publishes the AAG Presidential Address and memorials for former AAG Presidents and distinguished geographers.
- Regular Manuscripts—Articles submitted for publication should be original, timely, innovative, and advance knowledge in all facets of the discipline. They should address significant research problems and issues, and be attuned to the sensibilities of a diverse scholarly audience. Articles should be a maximum of 11,000 words, including abstract, references, notes, tables, and figure captions.
- Special Issues—Special Issues are curated by Editors and include a collection of shorter manuscripts (around 5000 words) about a specific theme or issue. Topics rotate across the areas covered by the Annals; each year there is one Special Issue that highlights the work of geographers on a significant global theme. Abstracts of potential articles will be solicited via an open call. The articles are by invitation only, led by an Annals Editor, and based on the evaluation of the abstracts.
- Forums—Forums are a collection of short papers on a focused topic that are published together in the journal. Forums are an opportunity to showcase and advance significant intellectual insights in the discipline in a coherent and collective way. Forums consist of an introduction (2,500 words) and short individual papers (5,000 words each), with a maximum total word limit of 25,000. A forum is proposed by a forum organizer, and if accepted, the forum organizer works in tandem with an Editor to guide the papers through the peer review process. Forum proposals should provide a background and context, table of contents, timeline, and justification of the forum’s significance and relevance to the Annals audience.
- Commentaries—Commentaries are responses to specific published Annals articles and appear in online form only. They should be submitted within one year of the publication of the original article and written in a style and tone that is professional, scholarly and concise (less than 2,000 words including references). Commentaries will be peer reviewed. Authors of the original article will be invited to respond to the commentary in a short endorsement and/or rebuttal. To submit a commentary, please see the commentary submission guidelines linked above.