Editorial Guidelines
Submitting articles to the AAG Newsletter
- Articles should be engaging and clearly written for geographers from many backgrounds, not narrowly for individual subfield specialties, and should make relevant geographic concepts explicit.
- The editors do not heavily edit contributed material; therefore, they should be ready for publication by the time they are submitted.
- Articles may be returned for revisions or rejected at the discretion of the editorial team.
- Please submit articles one month prior to publication.
- All news items and letters should be sent in Microsoft Word format to newsletter@aag.org.
Types of Articles
- Announcements. Brief notices about new appointments, grants, awards, etc. Links to external content may be included at the discretion of the editorial team. Length should be 100 to 400 words.
- Perspectives. Perspectives offer the opinions and ideas of members on issues of relevance to geography. We are looking for ideas that stimulate dialogue, get members thinking, and challenge our discipline to take new approaches to the social, political, and environmental issues confronting geographers and the public. Perspectives are encouraged from across the full breadth of the discipline, and should focus on a single concept or idea. The AAG Code of Conduct must be adhered to in submissions. Submissions ideally should be 1,000 to 1,500 words long.
- Feature Articles. Typically a human interest story, feature articles tend to focus on a specific individual, event, or issue. Feature articles should be written in a conversational style without too many academic citations, and may be 250 to 2,000 words long.
- Necrologies. We accept original memorials, tributes, and obituaries. We are unable to reprint published obituaries without permission from the source publication. Please include a photo when possible. Necrologies may be 250 to 2,000 words long.
Photographs with captions are welcome. The author should have permission to use the photos. Include any necessary acknowledgments. Photo resolutions should be 300 DPI to allow for cropping and sizing.