2015 AAG Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography
The AAG Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography in given annually to an individual geographer or team of geographers that has demonstrated originality, creativity and significant intellectual breakthroughs in geography. The award includes a prize of $1000.
Susan Hanson, Professor Emeritus at Clark University and Fellow of the National academy of Sciences, was instrumental in introducing feminist theories and gendered analysis to geography, thus creating new modes of interpreting and explaining our everyday worlds.
Her work challenged the field of transportation geography by bringing to the fore how difference – understood as gendered, classed and racialized – matters in people’s mobility, job opportunities, and access to services. by so doing, her research literally re-wrote the textbook on urban transportation geography. She has deepened these insights by extending her research into the gendered character of local labor market, women’s entrepreneurship and the role of networks in enabling and constraining women. Feminism is integral not only to her research but to her intellectual and pedagogical practices. Through her writings, teachings and everyday life, she has provided inspiration to several generations of geographers by understanding the importance of integrating familial responsibilities and the caring for others with career aspirations and obligations.
She also has continually worked to build networks for women in geography for research-focused geographers with interests in undergraduate education. The AAG recognizes Hanson for her creative and foundational contributions to feminist geography and for her role in transforming human geography.
The AAG is proud to award the 2015 AAG Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography to Susan Hanson.